Sunday 21 April 2019

21st April -SPRING

Good Morning! Today's challenge is ...

SPRING; use a scrapping item for each letter of the word 'spring' to add to your layout. Some letters are quite tricky!
Here are some to help you but you get extra points if you think of any yourself!

S - sequins, stripes, stencil, stamping, sewing, sticker, stamp, silver, sun, stripes, stars, stickers, scallop, stencil, sewing, sailboat
P - pink, purple, plaid, pocket, puffy, paint, patterned paper, polka dots, punches, plus sign, phrase, plants....
R - red, rainbow, rust, ribbon, rub ons, ribbon, rhinestone, rainbow
I - indigo, iridescent, italics, ink
N - neutral, nautical, navy, news print, numbers, nature, number, nuvo
G - gingham, grey, grunge, green, gold.

S = strips
P = punches, polka dots, patterned paper
R = rainbow letters
I  = letter in my title
N = nature
G = green


S = Scallop, Script stamp, stamping,
P = Pink, Pearl Drops, Patterned paper
R = Rip (torn paper), Ribbon
I = Ink
N = Nuvo (Pearl drops)
G = Green, Grey, Geometrics, Greenhouse (collection from Kaisercraft)


For the word SPRING, I used:

S - "Sprinkles", stickers
P - pink, patterned paper
R - red
I - ink (around the edges)
N - navy blue (enamel dots)
G - Green 


Challenges like this are always so much fun. At first it might seem a bit daunting, but once you get going, you end up thinking of LOADS of things!

S - stripes, stencil, stickers, stars and scallops
P - purple, pink,  polka dots and patterned paper
R - red
I - ink
N - navy
G - green and gold


For the word "SPRING" I have used:
S- scallops, stickers
P - punches, patterned paper, puffy stickers
R - roller stamps - phrase and date
I - ink
N - number 5
G- gold splatters


Hey everyone. I just love word challenges. They really help me use things in my stash. Some letters are always easier than others. For the word spring I used the following:

S - stencil, stickers, stitching, stars
P - pattern paper, paper clips
R - red
I - ink
N - notebook punch
G - gesso

I hope you enjoy this challenge, please link up your layouts to the side bar.

Happy Easter to those who celebrate it!

Sunday 7 April 2019

7th April - Sketch

It's sketch time again today!
I, Anna made this simple sketch as I thought you could do a lot of different things with it, hope you like it!
Here are the design team takes on it...





I flipped the sketch clockwise.



The design team did so many different take on it! When you have made your take link it up to the side bar.
Happy Scrapping!